How To Design An Elearning Infographic

A carefully crafted online training infographic has the power to improve knowledge retention, simplify complex ideas, and increase corporate learner engagement. But how can you design an eLearning infographic that captures attention and delivers information effectively? Is it possible to create stunning infographics without being a graphic designer or tech guru? The answer is yes!

In this article, we will guide you through 7 steps to design a captivating infographic for your corporate eLearning program. You’ll discover how to gather relevant material, choose the right template, input data effectively, customize your infographic, and publish it on your training course or website. Are you ready to unlock the potential of infographics in eLearning?

Key Takeaways:

  • Designing an eLearning infographic can improve knowledge retention and learner engagement.
  • With online tools and eLearning templates, anyone can create their own infographics.
  • The 7-step process involves gathering resources, choosing a template, inputting data, customizing, and publishing.
  • Infographics simplify complex ideas and can be easily shared through social media.
  • Avoid common design mistakes to create engaging and effective eLearning infographics.

Why Infographics are Effective in eLearning

Infographics have become a powerful tool in the world of eLearning. Their ability to engage learners and simplify complex concepts makes them an invaluable resource for online training. By presenting information visually, infographics help learners digest and understand content with ease. This is especially beneficial for visual learners who thrive on visual cues and illustrations.

eLearning infographics also have a profound impact on learner motivation and retention. By utilizing visually appealing and memorable designs, infographics enhance learners’ ability to remember key information. The combination of relevant visuals and concise text ensures that important concepts are effectively communicated and retained.

In the realm of corporate training and development, infographics have garnered particular attention due to their potential to engage employees. They can effectively present statistical data, simplify difficult concepts, and summarize information in a visually appealing format. This not only increases learner engagement but also improves knowledge retention and understanding.

Infographics have the advantage of being highly shareable. Learners can easily share them through social media platforms, extending the reach and impact of the eLearning program. This creates a ripple effect, attracting more learners and promoting corporate learner engagement.

In addition, the availability of eLearning templates has made it easier than ever to create professional-looking infographics. With pre-designed layouts and graphics, trainers and instructional designers can save valuable time and resources. eLearning templates not only expedite the creation process but also ensure consistent branding and design elements throughout the eLearning program.

  • Engage learners through visually appealing designs
  • Simplify complex concepts for better understanding
  • Enhance motivation and retention
  • Increase corporate learner engagement
  • Utilize pre-designed eLearning templates

By leveraging the power of infographics, eLearning programs can effectively convey information, engage learners, and achieve desired learning outcomes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in eLearning Infographic Design

When designing an eLearning infographic, it is crucial to steer clear of common design mistakes that can hinder its effectiveness. By mindful avoiding these mistakes, you can create visually appealing infographics that engage learners and enhance their overall learning experience.

One common mistake to avoid is using irrelevant images that confuse learners instead of clarifying the concepts.eLearning infographics should include relevant and meaningful visuals that aid in understanding the content and enhance the learning process.

Another mistake to avoid is including excessive amounts of text in the infographic. Too much text overwhelms learners and can make it difficult for them to absorb and retain information. Instead, focus on presenting key points and essential information in a concise and visually appealing manner.

Inconsistent design elements can also create visual clutter. Maintaining a consistent design throughout the infographic ensures a cohesive and organized appearance, making it easier for learners to navigate and comprehend the content.

Repetitive graphics can contribute to boredom and disengagement. Creating variety in visuals keeps learners interested and motivated to explore the infographic. Utilize different styles and formats to present information in an engaging and interactive way.

Another mistake to avoid is failing to conduct audience research. Understanding the needs and preferences of learners is essential in designing effective eLearning infographics. Conducting research allows you to tailor the infographic to the audience, making it more relevant and engaging.

Color overload, cluttered designs, and boring headlines are additional mistakes that can hinder the effectiveness of eLearning infographics. Keep the color palette harmonious, the design clean and organized, and headlines attention-grabbing. This will ensure that the infographic captures learners’ attention and encourages further exploration.

Common Mistakes in eLearning Infographic Design:

  1. Using irrelevant images that confuse learners instead of clarifying concepts
  2. Including excessive amounts of text that overwhelms learners
  3. Creating visual clutter with inconsistent design elements
  4. Using repetitive graphics that lead to boredom and disengagement
  5. Not conducting audience research to cater to learners’ needs and preferences
  6. Overloading the infographic with colors, cluttered designs, and boring headlines

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can design eLearning infographics that effectively engage learners, facilitate understanding, and enhance their overall learning experience.


Designing an effective eLearning infographic requires careful consideration of the target audience, relevant content, and visual elements. By following the steps outlined in this article and avoiding common design mistakes, you can create engaging and informative infographics for your eLearning program. Infographics are a valuable tool for presenting information in a visually appealing and memorable way, improving knowledge retention, simplifying complex ideas, and increasing learner engagement.

With the availability of online tools and templates, anyone can design their own eLearning infographics and enhance their eLearning program. Whether you’re an instructional designer, a corporate trainer, or an eLearning developer, creating impactful infographics can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of your training materials. Engaged learners are more likely to retain and apply the information they’ve learned, leading to a more successful learning experience.

Investing time and effort into effectively designing eLearning infographics is a worthwhile endeavor. By presenting information in a visually appealing format, you can capture learners’ attention and stimulate their curiosity. Infographics are a powerful tool for simplifying complex concepts, summarizing information, and facilitating knowledge transfer. They can enhance the overall learning experience, making it more enjoyable and impactful for learners of all levels.

So, start creating impactful eLearning infographics today and elevate your eLearning program to the next level. With the right design choices and a focus on engaging your learners, you can effectively deliver information, improve knowledge retention, and create an interactive learning environment that fosters growth and development.


What are the benefits of using infographics in eLearning?

Infographics can improve knowledge retention, simplify complex ideas, and increase learner engagement. They help learners digest and understand information easily and can be particularly beneficial for visual learners. Infographics also enhance motivation and retention by presenting information in a visually appealing and memorable way.

How can infographics enhance the effectiveness of eLearning?

The use of visuals in eLearning has a positive impact on knowledge retention and engagement. Infographics can be used to present statistical data, simplify difficult concepts, and summarize information in a visually appealing format. They can also be shared easily through social media, increasing the reach and impact of your eLearning program.

What common mistakes should be avoided when designing eLearning infographics?

Some common design mistakes to avoid include using irrelevant images that confuse learners instead of clarifying concepts, including too much text that overwhelms learners, and inconsistent design elements that create visual clutter. Repetitive graphics can also lead to boredom and disengagement. Lack of audience research can result in infographics that don’t cater to learners’ needs and preferences. Color overload, cluttered designs, and boring headlines are other mistakes to avoid.

How can I design an effective eLearning infographic?

Designing an effective eLearning infographic requires careful consideration of the target audience, relevant content, and visual elements. By following the steps outlined in our article and avoiding common design mistakes, you can create engaging and informative infographics for your eLearning program.